Origin of the name Federica
Meaning: powerful that dominates through peace
Origin: German
Feastday : July 18
Matches : Astrological sign of Capricorn
Lucky number : 5
Colour: blue
Stone : lapis lazuli
Metal: gold
The oldest form or Frederigo Frederico has evolved to its present Italian , even through the forms and Latin medieval Fredericus Frederigus . The name is attested in all of Italy, particularly in the North and in Lombardy , from the Middle Ages emphasized the prestige of emperors and rulers have taken him . Some king of Sicily of the House of Aragon took this name. It was also the name of many northern dynasties , that of Austria, Denmark, of Saxony and Prussia. Frederick I, Emperor of Germany and the Holy Roman Empire , called ' Barbarossa ' (1122-1190) , is perhaps the best known. On July 18, we celebrate St. Frederick Bishop of Utrecht , martyred in 838 , as well as s. Frederick Bishop of Liège. Among the famous people remember Cardinal Federico Borromeo , which has given great importance in the novel " The Betrothed" Alessandro Manzoni , the German poet Novalis and Holderlin , the great Italian director Fellini . In his destiny is written in large letters the word success because he knows best efforts in order to achieve it , using every ounce of his talent. Federico reveals shady character , serious , worried that others recognize him as a leader , always taut as a violin string , often dark and of few words. From the other demands more than grant , and this takes rather than share in the affective field for whoever is next can be a real stress.
Louis's Carrot
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