venerdì 11 aprile 2014

Superstition - Numerology - Color

Superstitions are beliefs created by ancient populations and they allude future events. In my town we have so many superstitions like:
1. Break a mirror, in practice if you break it, you break your spirit and you'll have seven years of unlucky things;
2. Break a bottle of oil, in the past the oil was very expensive for family, it was almost a wealth and if you broke it you were unlucky.
3. An another superstitions is the legend of number 17, in roman number 17 was XVII, it is the anagram of VIXI, and it means 'death'.
There are some popular superstitions, but that really stuck me is the one who speaks about Albinos. In Borneo, Africa, it is believed that Albinos are all white because their real dad is the moon; more depressingly, Albino body parts are considered to be magical amulets, and they are often murdered in an effort to acquire them. I don't belive in superstitions, seem legends, I don't like legends and for this I have never experienced anything.


Number: March 16th, 1999= 3+1+6+1+9+9+9= 38= 3+8= 11= 1+1= 2.
38= This is the symbol of dangers, conflicts and troubles that are the consequence of low self-confidence. The help from a woman is possible.
16= This number points to many difficult decisions. There are many negative waves around this
number that also cause problems in the surroundings. There is the possibility of accidents, disasters,
dangers, etc.
11= This number brings a lot of temptations and dangers. There is often a conflict between the people's
interests and they cannot manage their problems effectively.
2= This number symbolizes opposition and conflicts. It is the number that involves threats. In
ancient times, this number pointed to the Mother and represented the female principle. It represents
reciprocity, negation and division like in the following examples: black - white, male - female, material -
spiritual, etc.


Blue is the coolest and most calming of all the colors. As the color of the sky, it has been used since ancient times to represent heaven. In classical mythology, blue was the color associated with the Gods, Venus and Jupiter. In Christianity, it becomes the symbol of the Virgin Mary as Queen of Heaven. As the color of the ocean, it is also suggests qualities like freshness, purity and hygiene. The calmness of blue is seldom more visible than in this 'nocturne' of the River Thames by Whistler. The view is at twilight from Battersea looking across the Chelsea. The style is strongly influence by Japanese art of 'ukiyo-e' which translates as 'pictures of the floating world'.